1.In Australia, 87% of married cuouples have children.
In Australia most married couples have children.
2.Six percent of 20-to 24-years-olds in the United States are divorced.
Few 20 to 24-years olds in the United States are divorced.
3.Thirty-five percent of the people in Germany live alone.
Not many the people in Germany live alone
4.In China 50% of women get married by the age of 22.
In China many women get married by the age of 22.
en este ejercicio cambiamos los porcentajes por las palabras most,all,nearly all,many,a lot of,some,not many, a few, few, no one,dependiendo del porcentaje le asignabamos una de estas palabras y escribiamos el resto de la oracion
ResponderEliminaresto para indicar si eran muchas ,pocas, algunas personas, etc.
Hi Chuletita, I missed you in class today. Where were you???
ResponderEliminarGood job on this entry!