miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2010


! Hello I have a few questions for you!

1. Q. What is your name?

A.My name is Alexis.

2.Q.How old are you?

A.I have nineteen years old.

3.Q.Where are you from?

A.I from Tierra Alta.

4.Q.What is your favorite sport?

A.My favorite sport is football.

5.Q.Who is your best friend?

A.My best friend is Emanuel.

6.Q.What is your favorite movie?

A.My favorite movie is American Pie.

7.Q.What is your favorite food?

A.My favorite food is fride chicken.

8.Q.What major study?

A.I study the major of mathematics.

Thanks Alexis,for you interview was a pleasure to meet.

2 comentarios:

  1. bueno en este ejercicio comenzamos a realizar preguntas con what when,how etc,con la intencion de conocer un poco mas acerca de la vida
    de nuestro compañero

  2. Good work here and good reflection comment!
