miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Interview with a teacher

Zule -Good morning teacher,I have a few questions for you

Teacher Sonia -Good morning,forward

Zule -What is your name?

Teacher Sonia -My name is Sonia Lopez Ruiz

Zule-Where are you from?

Teacher Sonia -I am from Juchitan de Zaragoza,Oaxaca

Zule -How old are you?

Teacher Sonia -I have thirty two years old

Zule -What major do you study?

Teacher Sonia -I studied engineering major in computer systems

Zule -Where do you study that major?

Teacher Sonia -In Juchitan technological

Zule -Why study in that place and not another?

Teacher Sonia -Because this place was closer to me,and because I did not have many economic resources

Zule -Really liked this major?

Teacher Sonia -At first I did not like,was the best major what had ,but then if I like

Zule -Do you rent a house or lived with family?

Teacher Sonia -I lived with my aunt

Zule -How was that relationship with your aunt?

Teacher Sonia -The truth a little bad,because she charge me as if I were not family,and went she came to my house she received the best

Zule -In the school was a good student?

Teacher Sonia -The truth is yes,they gave me a scholarship by my good grades

Zule -Do you think continue your studies?

Teacher Sonia -Clearly,if that's my goal

Zule -Are you married?

Teacher Sonia - Yes

Zule -What is the name of your husband?

Teacher Sonia -Your name is Antonio Cervantes Alvarez

Zule -How many children do you have?

Teacher Sonia -I have a daughter your name is Maria Fernanda

Zule -Where do you work?

Teacher Sonia -I work in loma bonita in the Unpa

Zule -Does that work?

Teacher Sonia -I give classes to students of computing

Zule -Thank ,teacher

Teacher Sonia -Your welcome,bay Zule

1 comentario:

  1. este ejercicio nos sirvio para conocer mas acerca de nuestros profesores,y que mejor que haciendoles preguntas en ngles asi aprendemos como seguir mejorando nuestra gramatica,y nuestra pronunciacion
